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Owen Smith

Apprentice baker Owen Smith is learning his trade from one of the best in Britain! For nineteen-year-old Owen, who is working for a Diploma in Craft Bakery at Buxton and Leek College, is serving his apprenticeship at Cowburn’s bakery in Stockport under master baker Richard Cowburn himself. Television viewers following ITV’s Britain’s Best Bakery saw Richard , from Buxton, win the regional finals of the competition! Judges Peter Sidwell and Mich Turner pronounced him the best baker in the Scotland and North West region.

Owen is proud to be following in his footsteps with an apprenticeship at Buxton and Leek College – the very place where his boss started out. Owen said: “I’ve always loved baking cakes and used to make bread for my dad when I was at home. I am really enjoying my training as I only have to spend one day a week in college learning the theory and the other four days doing what I like best – baking at Cowburn’s.”

Back at the bakery, in Buxton Road, Stockport, Richard said of his young apprentice: “He’s a really great lad. Both keen and willing and, most importantly, he’s got a real passion for baking. Although the job is massively hard work and involves 6.30 starts every morning, I can tell that Owen really enjoys himself and I know he’ll go far.” Owen’s assessor Michael Calver said “Owen has excellent practical skills, very willing to learn and only needs showing once and he picks it up. I am sure he will make an excellent employee for Cowburn’s Bakery.”