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Sporty students trained to take the lead

INTREPID outdoor sports students from Buxton & Leek College are qualified to take the lead after gaining their Basic Expedition Leaders Awards from Sports Leaders UK.

A group of 12 second year students from the college’s Buxton campus completed a sixty mile hike of the Sandstone Trail from Frodsham to Whitchurch in March, camping overnight in sub zero temperatures and being observed by assessors. They were tested on their navigational skills, compass work and leadership and all 12 successfully gained their awards. They are now qualified to lead hill walking groups throughout the UK as well as leading groups of students working towards both their Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

Course leader Allan Shaw said: “I am really pleased that all the students passed as they are all very capable young people. I am proud of what they achieved as they are all teenagers – the eldest member of the group being just 19 – and I know that they will all make great expedition leaders.

“As we are now entering the season when young people start their expeditions for the Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme, I know that their skills will be much in demand and I know that the qualifications they gained in March will make them very employable when they leave college and enter the world of work.”