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  • Art School Marks its 150th Anniversary with an Astounding Exhibition

    A regular fixture of Staffordshire Moorlands Arts calendar, the art and design entrepreneurs from Leek School of Art will be displaying their work at Astound 2018, a contemporary art exhibition at the Nicholson Art Gallery in Leek. Now in its ninth year, this exciting exhibition showcases the talent and creativity of the students studying on…

  • Students are Fighting Crime at College

    Buxton & Leek College  students at the Leek Campus are taking steps to make their neighbourhood safer by meeting regularly with the Staffordshire Safer Neighbourhood Panel. The students involvement is a real-world learning module covered in Business Level 3 and Health & Social Care level 3. The college group aims to raise concerns and issues…

  • Students & Staff Celebrate Competition Success

    Three students studying Hairdressing at Buxton & Leek College have wowed the judges at the first round of the Wella Xposure 2018 Competition and have now secured a place at the regional stage of the competition.   The successful 2nd Year students: Paige Roose, Neamh Webster and Paulina Stobierska, who study the Advanced Technical Diploma…

  • Come and Talk to us!

    Buxton & Leek College is inviting everyone (from school leavers to those adults wanting to change their career or access education for the first time) to attend the next Advice Evenings: Leek Campus on Wednesday 18 April and Buxton campus on Thursday 19 April (both 5-7pm). Tutors from a wide range of subjects will be on…

  • Apprenticeships for All Unveiled This Spring

    Buxton & Leek College has announced that a wide range of apprenticeship vacancies are available this Spring as part of the College’s commitment to “real world learning.”  To celebrate the growing apprenticeship division, working with around 150 regional businesses, Len Tildsley, Principal of Buxton & Leek College embarked on a day’s “job-swap” with one of the apprentices.…

  • Students Changing lives with Sport

    Children from The Crescent Academy in Meir were presented with certificates for hard work, following the completion of a 4-week exercise and fitness programme, delivered by Buxton & Leek College. The year 6 special educational needs children from The Crescent Academy in Meir completed the module: ‘Exercise for Specific Groups’, delivered by the College’s Level 3 BTEC Sports…