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Celebrating Success for BLC Staff Apprentice Eliza Wass

We are extremely proud to congratulate our staff apprentice Eliza Wass who recently achieved a distinction in her Level 3 Business Administration apprenticeship.

We spoke to Eliza to find out about her experience working in the University of Derby’s Apprenticeship Hub as a BLC Staff Apprentice.

Could you tell us about your apprenticeship and what your normal workday involved?

“I’ve recently completed an apprenticeship in Business Administration Level 3 which I found very enjoyable. My apprenticeship involved working with different stakeholders, learning how to communicate differently with different people […] and improving processes within the Apprenticeship Hub.

A typical day involves checking apprentice applications, chasing apprentices for outstanding documentation, liaising with employers regarding apprentice issues, processing withdrawals and breaks and also adding apprentices to the government funding system to enable the University to receive their funding.”

What made you choose to do an apprenticeship?

There are a lot of benefits to an apprenticeship, you are working and learning at the same time and you at the end gain a nationally recognised qualification, you are basically paid to learn which is a really attractive thing. Most elements of the Business Administrator apprenticeship link into my job role in some way it has been really beneficial for me. I started off as a level 3 Business Administrator apprentice and once I completed and passed my end point assessment the role progressed to a Senior Business Administrator which was another advantage.

 What skills have you learned whilst completing your apprenticeship?

I have really developed my various communication skills and learned how best to communicate with different stakeholders.  I have also learned to plan and organise my work days effectively, managing my learning deadlines alongside work deadlines.  The 20% off the job aspect of my apprenticeship has enabled me to visit other sites in the University to share knowledge and best practice.

Has studying an apprenticeship affected you in any other way?

Studying my apprenticeship has really helped me build on my confidence, it has also enabled me to build close working relationships within my team- I was very lucky to have such a supportive, encouraging and knowledgeable manager. I have definitely realised I have hidden talents -if you would call them that. I think everyone would agree I can sometimes be a teeny bit controlling and bossy [but] in a good way!

Would you recommend an apprenticeship with Buxton & Leek College?

Yes definitely! Who wouldn’t want to earn whilst they learn?! It’s the perfect way to put what you’re learning into practice straight away.

Do you have any advice for adults who are unsure if an apprenticeship is right for them?

If anyone has the opportunity to develop their skills with no cost to them then I think they should absolutely take it. It may be daunting going back into learning but the benefits definitely outweigh any worries or concerns and there is so much support available to you along the way.

Beverly Meredith, Staff Apprenticeships Advisor, worked with Eliza during her time as a staff apprentice. She said:

“Eliza has been an outstanding staff apprentice and her overall grade of Distinction is testament to the hard work she has put in.  Using the University’s Apprenticeship Levy to fund Apprenticeships gives people a great on the job experience alongside working towards a qualification and it is apprentices like Eliza who seize the opportunity and really make the most of it.  Well done!”

Find out more about the apprenticeships we offer at