Managing your time as a student can sometimes be difficult, as I’m sure you know, but having a part-time job makes this an even bigger challenge. A part-time job allows you to have a bit of extra money to spend on whatever you want; going out with your friends, going out for meals etc.
In order to afford the thing, you want to do for your own leisure, a part-time job can be an essential aspect of your life. However, it isn’t always easy to balance a part-time job and manage your studies at the same time. This is why being organised is the key element of being successful when you’re a student.
Hopefully these tips will help you to balance your time that little bit easier:
- Tip 1: Use technology to your advantage. You’ll be surprised what technology can be used for! Set reminder notification, write notes in your calendar, use the internet to research anything you’re unsure about, and download apps to help you study.
- Tip 2: Experiment with study techniques. Don’t just stick to one study technique. If you don’t experiment you won’t know what works better for you.
- Tip 3: Plan your time realistically. Don’t aim to do too much in a short period of time.
- Tip 4: Be smart when taking notes. Try and get down as much of the essential information as you can; this will pay off.
- Tip 5: Keep a diary. This will enable you to balance your working hours and make time for completing your assignments. This will prevent you from double-booking your time and put a stop to any confusion.
- Tip 6: Track your progress in any way that suits you. This is a great way of keeping yourself motivated.
- Tip 7: Give yourself specific objectives and set realistic aims for your work. If you exceed your expectations great!
These are all tips that I felt really helped me when I was studying, so I hope you find them useful during your time as a student, especially if you have a part-time job!