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New COVID-19 Safety Measures on Campus

Over the last couple of months staff at Buxton & Leek College have been busy making sure that the College complies with the latest COVID-19 guidance from the government.

Students will see a number of COVID-19 related changes at the campuses with new guidelines to follow, ensuring everyone stays healthy.

Changes include a one-way system with one-metre spacing marked on the campus floors.  Hand sanitising stations have been provided across the college and disinfectant sprays are now readily available for sanitising desks before and after use.

Face masks should now be worn in all public spaces on campus and on public transport. Toilet facilities are only available to use one person at a time, whilst seating in the cafeteria and public spaces has been rearranged to comply with the one-metre distance rule.

Watch this video with Nadia Shalan, Learner Journey Operations Manager, detailing some of the changes:

For more information about COVID-19 measures and policies, visit the website: